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In January 2020 our core Environmental and Social Performance Services team (Netherlands, United Kingdom, and South Africa) obtained certification in Human Rights Impact Assessment to more comprehensively assess human rights issues encountered while executing these services.
Added value | Operating income less cost of work subcontracted and other external expenses |
BIM | Building Information Modelling |
CEO | Chief Executive Officer |
CFO | Chief Financial Officer |
CSR | Corporate Social Responsibility; the responsibility of a company towards society, the environment and the economy |
Earnings per share | Net result / Number of ordinary shares issued |
EBITA recurring | EBITA excluding non-operational items |
EBITA margin | EBITA recurring / Operating income |
Executive Board | Highest executive body for the daily management of the company |
Free cash flow | Cash flow from operating and investing activities |
GCO | Group Compliance Officer |
GRI | The Global Reporting Initiative, an organisation that publishes international guidelines for CSR reporting |
HRM | Human Resources Management |
Integrated Report (IR) | Annual report format that integrates general, financial, environmental, and social performance |
Net Turnover | Amounts invoiced to clients (excluding VAT), excluding invoiced in advance |
Net working capital | Current assets less current liabilities (excluding cash and cash equivalents less amounts owed to credit institutions) |
Operating income | Net turnover adjusted for change in work in progress, excluding other operating income |
QHSE | Quality, Health, Safety and Environment |
Return on average shareholders' equity | Net result / Average shareholders' equity |