
Our Responsible and Sustainable Business (RSB) Programme/Detailed description of the Corporate (Social) Responsibility (CSR) aproach of Royal HaskoningDHV

CR data

All collected relevant office and business related travel data used to define our carbon footprint


Corporate Social Responsibility; the responsibility of a company towards society, the environment and the economy


A global supply chain & purchasing index which assesses Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices

ETHIC Intelligence Certificate

Anti-corruption compliance certificate, awarded by ETHIC Intelligence Executive Board

Executive Board

Highest executive body for the daily management of the company

Executive Council

Management platform with Executive Board and Business Directors


The EU General Data Protection Regulation is the EU-wide legal framework for the protection of personal data.


The Global Reporting Initiative, an organisation that publishes international guidelines for CSR reporting


Human Resources / Human Resources Management


Information and Communication Technology


International Labour Organization


International Standardisation Organisation


Key Performance Indicator

Management system

Management system: Describes the Royal HaskoningDHV way of working. Ensures all employees follow common working practices. It is based on and certified against globally-accepted international standards (ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001) and also covers integrity, business continuity, knowledge management, information security and our business principles.

Material topic

Topic that is relevant to understand the development, the results and the position of the company

Materiality Analysis

Analysis that defines the material topics of an organisation, based on significance of various CSR topics for stakeholders and for the company

MVO Register

MVO Register is an Assurance provider with a Sustainability Platform and verifies CSR performances of companies and organisations


The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

ProRail SafetyLadder

Certification scheme designed to measure and continually improve safety awareness and safe operations within the rail sector


Quality, Health, Safety and Environment


Responsible & Sustainable Business: integrated progammes that embed, action and measure the positive role a company needs to play in society, supporting a healthy environment and prosperous economy (previously known as CSR)


The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice.


Stakeholders are people and organisations with an interest in the company and its activities

Supervisory Board

Supervising body; a group of individuals chosen by the shareholders of a company to promote their interests by supervising the executive board

Sustainable Development

Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs

Sustainable Procurement

Procurement process whereby organisations meet their needs for goods, services or capital projects,

Transparency International

International non-governmental organisation devoted to combat corruption

UK Bribery act

Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that covers the criminal law relating to bribery, including measures that commercial organisations are required to take to prevent bribery within and outside the UK


United Nations

UNGC / UN Global Compact

UN Global Compact is a critical platform for the UN to engage and partner effectively with enlightened global business

Walk the Talk

Apply the same principles in our business practices as we advise our clients to apply in theirs while achieving 'value’ on a life cycle basis in terms of the impact on the organisation, society, the economy and the natural environment