Added value | Operating income less cost of work subcontracted and other external expenses |
BIM | Building Information Modelling |
CEO | Chief Executive Officer |
CFO | Chief Financial Officer |
CSR | Corporate Social Responsibility; the responsibility of a company towards society, the environment and the economy |
Earnings per share | Net result / Number of ordinary shares issued |
EBITA recurring | EBITA excluding non-operational items |
EBITA margin | EBITA recurring / Operating income |
Executive Board | Highest executive body for the daily management of the company |
Free cash flow | Cash flow from operating and investing activities |
GCO | Group Compliance Officer |
GRI | The Global Reporting Initiative, an organisation that publishes international guidelines for CSR reporting |
HRM | Human Resources Management |
Integrated Report (IR) | Annual report format that integrates general, financial, environmental, and social performance |
Net Turnover | Amounts invoiced to clients (excluding VAT), excluding invoiced in advance |
Net working capital | Current assets less current liabilities (excluding cash and cash equivalents less amounts owed to credit institutions) |
Operating income | Net turnover adjusted for change in work in progress, excluding other operating income |
QHSE | Quality, Health, Safety and Environment |
Return on average shareholders' equity | Net result / Average shareholders' equity |