In this paragraph the Independent Auditor's Report is not been shown, due to the fact that the Annual iReport has not been audited by this party.

To view this original chapter, please download the audited report here.


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Together with the Royal HaskoningDHV team in the Philippines, our employee's BRITE Foundation charity fund helped victims of Typhoon Ulysees with relief goods in two areas of Amulung municipality in December 2020.

Summary of the articles of association provisions governing profit appropriation.

Summary of the articles of association provisions governing profit appropriation Articles 23 and 24 of the articles of association contain (in summary) the following relevant provisions of profit appropriation and dividend:

  • The A-shares and the B-shares shall have equal rights to the profit. Insofar as the general meeting does not reserve the profit otherwise, and insofar as no replenishment, takes place out of the profit in any one financial year, this profit shall be added to the retained A surplus and the retained B surplus, and this in the same ratio as that in which the nominal amounts of all the issued A-shares and B-shares, respectively, stand to the issued capital.

  • Shares and depositary receipts issued therefore held by the company or a subsidiary thereof, from which no rights to distributions can be derived, shall not be included in the determination of the ratio referred to in the preceding sentence.

  • Any addition and replenishment shall take place after the adoption of the annual accounts from which it appears that there is profit available for such addition or replenishment. The company may make distributions to the holders of B-shares and any other persons entitled to the distributable retained B surplus only insofar as the shareholders’ equity exceeds the amount which must be maintained under the law. No distributions may be made out of the retained A surplus or out of any reserves other than the retained B surplus.

Subject to provisions of article 23.3, distributions out of a retained B surplus as referred to in paragraph 1, may be made at all times pursuant to a resolution of the general meeting. The general meeting cannot resolve to discontinue a retained surplus. A resolution of the general meeting to  proceed to a distribution out of the retained B surplus shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Board. The Executive Board may withhold its approval only if it knows or reasonably ought to have foreseen that the company, after such distribution, will be unable to continue to pay its due debts.

  • No losses may be offset against a retained surplus, unless it concerns losses which cannot be defrayed out of a reserve – not being a retained surplus – or offset in any other way and the general meeting resolves, with the approval of all the holders of the shares corresponding with the retained surplus in question, to charge losses against the balance of the retained surplus in question. If and insofar as such is possible, losses shall be charged against the retained surpluses pro rata to the number of issued A-shares and B-shares at the time of the adoption of the aforementioned resolution.

  • If a loss has been charged against one or both retained surpluses, as referred to in the preceding sentence, the profits made in the subsequent years shall be applied first of all in replenishing the amount that was charged against the retained surplus or surpluses.

  • The general meeting may resolve that dividends will be paid in whole or in part in a form other than cash, but then only in the form of B-shares of the company itself.

  • The general meeting can, on a proposal thereto from the Executive Board, decide, an interim addition shall be made to the retained surpluses, either chargeable against the profit or chargeable against a reserve other than a retained surplus.