We have been a partner of the UN Global Compact (UNGC) for more than a decade, supporting the 10 UNGC principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption which are integrated in our Global Code of Business Principles. We actively show our commitment to these principles in our tenders and offers and share our principles on integrity and compliance with suppliers and sub-contractors through e-learning.
We have a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and aim to meet and surpass international best practice standards in anti-corruption compliance and business ethics. Our integrity policy is embedded throughout the company and we have held the ETHIC Intelligence Anti-Corruption Certificate since 2010. For 2020, we decided to be compliant to the international ISO standards. We were assessed and certified as meeting the requirements of the ISO 37001 standard for our Anti-Bribery Management System and the new ISO/DIS 37301 standard for our Compliance Management System. We are proud to have been the first in our industry worldwide to achieve the new ISO/DIS 37301 certification.

We were assessed and certified as meeting the requirements of the ISO 37001 standard for our Anti-Bribery Management System and the new ISO/DIS 37301 standard for our Compliance Management System.
In 2020, nearly all employees completed an e-learning about our Global Code of Business Principles. The e-learning addresses all topics of the above-named principles, such as anti-bribery and corruption and workplace behaviours. We also launched our Compliance Academy which provides e-learnings and documentation on topics including giving and receiving gifts, fair competition and unconscious bias.
We joined the celebration of Diversity Day in October. Our Director Human Resource Management Meike Salvadó talked about diversity of thought - bringing different ideas to the table to create the best solutions - and invited people to share what diversity means to them and how it affects their daily life at work.
To further improve control over our supply chain, we implemented a new third-party assessment process. We acquired a license to use a third-party assessment tool of an internationally reputed information provider. We currently use that tool for all new clients. It includes, among other things, a review of the ultimate beneficial owners, directors and politically exposed persons. We will implement this tool for business partners including sub-consultants and other suppliers.
No major incidents
There were no major integrity incidents during 2020 but 101 issues and concerns were reported. Characteristics of the reports included: unwelcome workplace behaviour; financial inaccuracies; working in controversial countries and involvement in publicly disputed projects (for example placement of windmills, working on military projects). All issues were investigated, discussed and when appropriate, concerns were addressed to mitigate risks.
There were no allegations against the company or its management for bribery and corruption which resulted in wrongdoing of the company.