We are committed to the highest standards of health and safety across our operations for staff, visitors and partners. Our vision and policies are part of our Management System. They are implemented through our processes and procedures to ensure we maintain and continuously improve a healthy and safe working environment. Our practices conform with the new ISO 45001 certificate for Occupational Health and Safety which we gained last year following successful audits in various countries. We were among the first international engineering consultancy firms to obtain this certification.
Other objectives for 2020 were zero fatalities and a lost time injury frequency (LTIF) of less than 0.18. During the year, no fatal accidents occurred among our employees and 62 accident and incident reports were submitted. From these reports, 44 related to accidents and incidents involving employees. 20 of these occurred at an office location, 10 at out-of-office locations and 14 were traffic related. In total 1 accident resulting in at least one day off work was recorded in 2020 (7 in 2019). There were 36 other reportable cases.
Lost time injury frequency (LTIF) per 200,000 workable hours in 2020 was 0.03. The figure has decreased compared to 2019 (0.17) and is below the 0.18 target. This decrease is likely to be an effect of fewer accidents and incidents happening as most staff worked from home for most of the year.
Total recordable cases frequency (TRCF) per 200,000 workable hours over 2020 was 0.97. This decreased compared to 2019 (2.39) which is likely to be an effect of fewer accidents and incidents happening as most staff worked from home for most of the year.
HaskoningDHV Nederland B.V. has achieved level 2 on the Safety Culture Ladder, demonstrating that consciously safe working, designing and advising are embedded in our culture and employee behaviour. With this certificate, we are also ready for Safety in Procurement (Veiligheid in Aanbesteding (ViA)) which will be a requirement from 2022 in tenders from Rijkswaterstaat and other major clients that have signed the Safety in Construction Governance Code. Our rail industry teams in the Netherlands have a certificate for level 4 of the Safety Culture Ladder, teams active in the energy sector have certification for level 3 and our industry team is working towards obtaining level 3.