Introduction by our CEO

Welcome! It is a pleasure to introduce the 2022 Annual and Sustainability Report. This year we combined our updates in one report to bring our stakeholders information on our sustainability impact alongside financial performance.

Key figures

Net turnover / Operating income: 698.8M Added value: 559.0M

Sustainability Key Figures

As of December 31, 2022, 5551 people had a direct employment contract with Royal HaskoningDHV or one of its subsidiaries.

Our Company

Royal HaskoningDHV is an independent consultancy which integrates over 140 years of design, engineering and consultancy expertise with software and technology to deliver more added value for clients.


A layered corporate governance structure is in place to safeguard our principles to operate as an independent private limited company and to create a sustainable platform to deliver value to our people, our clients and society at large.


Royal HaskoningDHV (Koninklijke HaskoningDHV Groep B.


We operate on a global scale and offer our engineering, design, consultancy, software and technology services across nine Global Leading Markets and the Netherlands.

Value Chain

Royal HaskoningDHV supports clients in the natural and built environment across the full value chain.

Stakeholder Engagement

Engaging in meaningful dialogue with our network is crucial for our organisation to continue being successful and to deliver our ambition to Enhance Society Together.