Well-being at work

We have a responsibility to provide a good working environment where our people feel comfortable and cared for. Colleagues need to understand where we are going and how they can develop. However, uncertainties, ongoing effects of the pandemic, rising prices, work pressure and personal difficulties can take their toll on any of us. If we are not feeling OK, it’s so much harder to achieve our goals in life or do our jobs to our best abilities. Therefore, we support the call from the World Health Organisation to make mental health and well-being for all a global priority

We have been planning a follow-up event to the Speak Up Awareness Day held in November 2021. This will take place early in 2023 and builds on our drive to develop an environment of psychological comfort and safety where everyone can bring their true selves to work.

During our Work Stress Week in mid-November we focused on mental well-being and work-related stress. In collaboration with experts from our professional health & safety network, we developed three inspirational workshops facilitated by external experts which were available to all our colleagues around the globe. Additional LinkedIn training and E-learning about mental health and well-being are available in our digital learning platform and we created factsheets for colleagues with an overview of services and tips in case of mental well-being or work stress-related issues. 

We want everyone visiting our offices to feel at home. For this reason, we started a pilot introducing non-gendered bathrooms for our colleagues in the Netherlands. The creation of these toilets was an initiative of our Royal HaskoningDHV Pride Network. In this way we took another step towards a more inclusive organisation.