Health and Safety
Health and safety is a core theme for our company, identified in our purpose to Enhance Society Together. We proactively demonstrate safety in design, operation and practice and manage hazards to prevent harm to human health and well-being. This approach is embedded in the products and solutions we offer to our clients and is treated with similar importance within our operations.
We are committed to the highest standards of health and safety across our operations for employees, visitors, contractors, sub-contractors and partners. Our vision and policies are part of our Integrated Management System. They are implemented through our processes and procedures to ensure we maintain and continuously improve a healthy and safe working environment. Our practices comply with the international standard on Occupational Health and Safety Management ISO 45001:2018 for which our certification was renewed in 2022.
Health and Safety | 2022 | 2021 |
Lost time injury frequency (LTIF) per 200,000 workable hours | 0.02 | 0.05 |
Total recordable case frequency (TRCF) per 200,000 workable hours | 1.55 | 1.05 |
Accident and incident reports | 95 | 82 |
Our targets to prevent accidents were met in 2022 with zero fatalities and a lost time injury frequency of less than 0.11. During the year, 95 accident and incident reports were submitted (2021: 82). The rise in reported accidents and incidents could be attributed to increased awareness about reporting and that employees spent more time working on site and in offices following relaxation of most official working from home requirements connected to Covid-19.
From these reports, 64 related to accidents and incidents involving employees (2021: 41) where 35 of these occurred at an office location, 11 at out-of-office locations and 18 were traffic related. In total 1 accident resulting in at least one day off work was recorded in 2022 (2021: 2). In 2021, we reported 40 accidents and incidents involving employees, out of which 2 were traffic related. The total number of accidents and incidents is adjusted to 41 due to a reclassification of a commuting incident to a traffic accident, related to business travel.
Lost time injury frequency (LTIF) per 200,000 workable hours in 2022 was 0.02 (2021: 0.05). This is a decrease in the LTIF compared to 2021, and well below the 0.11 target. With employees working in offices and on site more than last year, the fact that this did not lead to more lost time injuries is a positive result. LTIF is calculated with the total number of lost time injuries (resulting in at least one day of absence) in a certain time period, divided by the total number of hours worked in that period, and then multiplied by 200,000.
Total recordable case frequency (TRCF) per 200,000 workable hours during 2022 was 1.55. This increased compared to 2021 (1.05) and is likely to relate to the factors described above.
In our aim to increase the maturity of our health and safety culture, we met our target to reach level 3 certification on the Safety Culture Ladder in the Netherlands. This was achieved in November after external audits. It demonstrates we further embedded consciously safe working, designing and advising in our culture and employee behaviour. Also in the Netherlands, teams who are active in the rail sector continued their level 4 certificate of the Safety Culture Ladder.