Our Performance

Across the world, urgent action is needed on social and environmental challenges. We are taking the lead by using our expertise, knowledge, and capabilities to change our own operations to reduce our carbon footprint and become more sustainable. More and more organisations are seeking to do the same and, in 2021, we received a growing number of questions and projects connected to net zero from clients. As organisations make these commitments to sustainability, they see the value in our ability to lead in this area and we can increase our impact through projects and innovations with our clients and partners. At the same time, we are actively involved in initiatives that benefit communities in which we work. Throughout this report, we highlight the ways in which we approach our social responsibility to deliver on our purpose: serving clients, developing insights, supporting communities, and acting responsibly.

Our main performance indicators are based on the topics we identified as being the most important for our stakeholders and for the long-term success of our business, as explained in the section Materiality assessment. By setting targets in these areas and tracking progress, we can continuously improve. This chapter show the highlights of our performance in 2021 (per material topic).

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