UN Global Compact and our Global Code of Business Principles
The 10 principles of the UN Global Compact are embedded in our daily business through our Code of Business Principles.
UN Global Compact
Royal HaskoningDHV supports the UN Global Compact (UNGC) network since 2008. We embrace the 10 UNGC principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption and report our activities annually with our Communication on Progress (COP).
Our Global Code of Business Principles
As an international organisation, we operate in a variety of cultural, social and business environments. Within all these, we conduct our business according to a universal set of principles, as we believe that society can only be served when all stakeholders act ethically and adhere to the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact. These principles are embedded in our daily business through our Code of Business Principles. This is the way we can create inclusive sustainable development and contribute to SDG 8 (good jobs and economic growth).
The Global Code of Business Principles defines basic, globally applicable standards of conduct and what is expected from employees. We expect our employees to understand the standards of the Global Code of Business Principles as well as the respective local laws and corporate guidelines, to always abide by them and to attend all mandatory and necessary training sessions. Managers are responsible for supporting their employees in this endeavour. We also hold our business partners and suppliers to standards for labour practices, human rights, environmental responsibility and business integrity.
International Guidelines and Conventions
Besides the UN Global Compact, our Global Code of Business Principles follows guidance on anti-bribery and anti-corruption set out in the OECD Guidelines for multinational enterprises, the World Economic Forum Partnering Against Corruption Initiative, the Federation of International Consulting Engineers Code of Ethics and Business Integrity policies, the International Chamber of Commerce rules on Combating Corruption, Anti-Trust and Fair Competition and the Transparency International recommendations.
Laws and Regulations
In the execution of our projects we comply with local applicable anti-corruption legislation, EU legislation and rules for firms on competition, human rights and anti-corruption laws and regulations. The extra-territorial governance of the UK Bribery Act and the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act apply in all our entities worldwide since they affect our entities based in the United Kingdom and United States, as well as staff originating from those countries and projects initiated in them.
The UK Modern Slavery Act sets the direction of our worldwide approach against child labour, any other form of forced labour and human trafficking. The EU General Data Protection Regulation applies to all our entities worldwide since Royal HaskoningDHV is organised in global operating business lines and our projects are executed globally.