The world in which we operate changes constantly and significantly. New challenges arise in our economies, environments and societies at large. Many of these challenges are driven by climate change and related policy changes and by the acceleration and impact of digital and data.
These two fundamental trends – climate change and digital - influence the needs and desires of society, our clients, our current and new colleagues. Three years ago, we started with a strategy that enables the company to be prepared and ready for growth helping clients to navigate through and lead in a complex, volatile and rapidly changing world. Proud to share that we are making good progress, financially as well as the positive impact on society.
We recognise that the challenges the world faces, as captured in the UN Sustainable Development Goals, can only be tackled by working in partnership. Our mission is to ‘Enhance Society Together’ with our clients and other stakeholders through innovation and co-creation. As we move forward, our mission has become even more relevant than ever before.

We are constantly curious, applying our creativity and intellect to develop new solutions. Solutions that do not exist today, but which will help to enhance society tomorrow. It is therefore exciting and inspiring to see the impact of combining our creative human intelligence with analytical intelligence, leading to new data and better insights. Our multidisciplinary expertise across water, energy, industry and transport, combined with our mission puts us in an excellent position to deliver distinctive new services and solutions to meet the challenges expressed in the SDG’s and enhance society together.
This Responsible & Sustainable Business Update is complementary to our Annual Report and provides further information on topics contained in the Annual Report 2019 website and Financial Statement. It provides additional detail and depth to ensure transparency on progress and performance from 1 January to 31 December 2019. We welcome your comments and feedback, which you can send to