International Guidelines and Conventions

Besides the UN Global Compact, our Global Code of Business Principles follows guidance on anti-bribery and anti-corruption set out in the OECD Guidelines for multinational enterprises, the World Economic Forum Partnering Against Corruption Initiative, the Federation of International Consulting Engineers Code of Ethics and Business Integrity policies, the International Chamber of Commerce rules on Combating Corruption, Anti-Trust and Fair Competition and the Transparency International recommendations.

Team certified in human rights impact assessment

In a move to more comprehensively target the assessment of human rights issues encountered when undertaking Environmental and Social (E&S) Performance services, our core E&S team (in the Netherlands, United Kingdom and South Africa) obtained certification in Human Rights Impact Assessment. The training ensures relevant human rights expertise is integrated into the conduct of the Environmental and Social Due Diligence and Impact Assessment services we deliver. It supports our aim of having at least two senior consultants fully equipped to conduct Human Rights Impact Assessments irrespective of country, industry sector or project stage. As part of the impact assessment and due diligence we conduct in line with IFC Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Sustainability, we already cover human rights issues; however thanks to this training we are now better equipped to identify them according to the normative framework of the UN Guiding Principles and advise clients on how to best avoid, cease, mitigate or remediate issues.

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Internal awareness campaign human rights and relevant training staff