Sustainable production

Sustainability strategy for Chemelot

Chemelot is an industrial park for chemical businesses of all sizes in the Netherlands. It has an ambition to become the most sustainable, safe and competitive industrial site in Europe. Central to this ambition are sustainable energy and circular raw materials and a commitment to climate neutrality by 2050. Working with DSM Nederland and Chemelot and in collaboration with site users and governments, we are developing a living Chemelot master plan outlining the route to its ambitions. We also manage assets on the site and have drawn up a strategic asset management plan which includes sustainability as a Key Performance Indicator. The plan includes phased replacement of lamppost lighting with LED, green buffers and a hydraulic model for sustainable water management. Other measures seek to extend life of assets, conserve resources and re-use materials wherever possible. Solar roof panels are to be introduced above parking areas and we are providing advice on a sustainable heat network and a site mobility plan.

Team Sustainability strategy for Chemelot
Team Sustainability strategy for Chemelot (picture taken before Covid-19 pandemic)

CO2 reduction roadmap for Tata Steel

We support Tata Steel with brown and greenfield projects as well as asset management. Using our knowledge of the company’s activities and processes, we are assisting in its aim to make business processes more sustainable. We have provided support for constructing windmills on site and with carbon capture and storage projects.