CO2 Performance Ladder

Level 5 certification

We successfully renewed our CO2-Performance Ladder Level 5 certification (the highest level) in the Netherlands. The scheme stimulates CO2 reduction in our projects and operations through a management system based on four pillars: insight, reduction, transparency and participation:

    1. Insight: To determine different streams of energy and the carbon footprint of the organisation.

    2. Reduction: To develop ambitious goals for the reduction of CO2 emissions.

    3. Transparency: To structurally communicate organisation policies for CO2 reduction.

    4. Participation: To take part in business sector initiatives regarding the reduction of carbon emissions.

In the CO2-Performance Ladder Annual Report, we present the CO2-footprint for the operations of HaskoningDHV Nederland B.V. in 2020, our progress towards our reduction targets and measures we take to reduce our emissions. We share this progress report (including an English summary) via our website

Our offices in Amersfoort, Rotterdam, Eindhoven and Groningen will be getting their energy directly from Windpark Ferrum in IJmuiden, The Netherlands
Our offices in Amersfoort, Rotterdam, Eindhoven and Groningen will be getting their energy directly from Windpark Ferrum in IJmuiden, The Netherlands