Board2Board sessions
Board2Board sessions are an opportunity for our Executive Board to engage with counterparts from companies across our markets to discuss broad issues and business interests. Due to Covid-19, just one in-person Board2Board session was able to take place in 2020. This was with multinational financial risk and insurance broker Aon in October with the purpose of sharing knowledge and discussing strategy.
Royal HaskoningDHV shared updates on some of our services, such as Ambiental, UpTime and Energy Transition. Aon initiated topics such as Risk Management Consultancy, Financing feasibility of projects and the Economic value of Intellectual Property.
During the year, various meetings took place, either online or in person, between Board members and representatives from the government in the Netherlands. Some related to plans for infrastructure investment following Covid-19 and included broad industry representation. Other meetings included one with the Director-General for Foreign Economic Relations from the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, and others with each of the mayors of the municipalities of Amersfoort and Delft. Meetings also took place with representatives from the Netherlands Enterprise Agency and with the CEO of Jaarbeurs (a conference and exhibition centre).